Last month, following government guidance to support safe visiting inside care homes, with strict COVID safe procedures, Walmer House was able to welcome designated visitors into the home, giving our wonderful residents and their loved ones the chance to reunite or visit with more ‘social contact’. Residents being able to see their family has such a positive impact on their wellbeing so it has been incredibly heartwarming.
As part of our regular Praise, Prayer & Togetherness Walmer House were allocated ‘Pink’ as our colour theme. All residents and staff got really involved wearing and celebrating all things Pink. We all had such fun with this.
Walmer House garden is starting to bloom and with warmer weather it is wonderful for the residents to enjoy and soak up the sunshine.
National Day of Reflection on 23rd March was a chance for us all to be still, reflect and share readings, prayer and music throughout the Keychange community via Zoom, observing a minute’s silence at 12 pm, a touching tribute to the tragic loss of life we’ve all felt over the last year and support all those who are grieving.
Diary Dates to look forward to in April:
Friday 16th @ 11 am – Film Shoot: Sound of Music
Wednesday 21st @ 11 am – Virtual Tour of Cornwall
Friday 23rd @ 11 am – Hymn Appreciation Group
Wednesday 28th, 11 am – Virtual Tour of Hampstead Heath; 2.30 pm – Virtual Tour of Nature Reserve