After going viral last year in the world’s press, Pamela found herself in The Telegraph last month. Much to her amusement, Pam was featured in their article about lockdown. Then on 9th March 2022 the same photograph of Pam with her daughter appeared in The Mail Online – it was one of the winning images of 2021 in the British Press Photographer of the Year Awards. It seems Pam’s fame is far from fleeting!
We celebrated Chinese New Year in style. After decking out our home with some great Chinese decorations we took part in the Vibrant Communities activity where we got to learn more about the occasion. We then had a Chinese party where we ate authentic Chinese food and listened to authentic Chinese music.
We are constantly striving to make our food the best it can be. Asking the people who live with us their views and preferences really helps us to devise a menu they enjoy.
We are looking forward to Spring when there will be more gardening for those with green fingers!