Where young people
can build a future
Esther Community, Exeter
Empowering young people to fight homelessness.

Every young person
deserves a future
Most of us can count on our families for love, support and guidance when we need it most. But young people at Esther Community have had to find their way alone.
Many have spent their whole lives in care. Some have been part of a foster family but now they’ve reached 18, they have to move on. This can leave them feeling abandoned, hurt and uncertain about the future.
Together, we can bring hope.

What we do: Giving support to take the next step
We don’t just provide a home, we welcome young people into a caring community.
As part of Christian charity Keychange, we’re inspired by the example of Christ to love and serve people unconditionally.
We spend time with each young person to understand what they need to take the next step to independence.
Some have never been taught how to take care of themselves and might need to take a course in basic life skills. For others, that could mean going to college or finding a job.
Elisha’s story

for women
Esther Community also has five bedsits, for women aged 18-65.
Women living here are supported and part of our community. But they’re at a stage where they’re ready to live in a safe space of their own.
We continue to support them as they navigate the complex benefits system and look for a permanent home.
These bedsits have been a lifeline to many.

Give young people a stable home,
and the chance to build a future
3 ways to fight homelessness
Get involved today

Sign up to hear from us about ways you can get involved – from volunteering to events to praying.

With your support, we can empower women and young people to break out of poverty and rebuild their lives.
How to make a
young person referral
If you’re a professional working with young people, you can submit an application for a young person to the Homeless Prevention Panel which meets every two weeks.
Call 01392 331666 and ask to speak to the Homelessness Prevention Team, or email yes.exeter@youngdevon.org
If you’re a young person who needs help with their accommodation, contact Young Devon or social services, who will help you find the right service for you.
How to make a referral for our
women’s accommodation
If you’re a woman aged 18-65 who needs help with your accommodation, ask your social worker. Or, if you don’t have one, contact the Housing team at Exeter City Council.
Call us 01392 496600.