Leave a gift in your will

By remembering Keychange in your will, you're helping ensure our care and support continues for years to come.
An elderly woman in an armchair speaks with a middle-aged woman

Our legacy pledge

Your gift will always be used where it’s needed most, so it has the greatest impact on the lives of all the people we serve.

We’ll use your gift carefully and cost efficiently to ensure the work of Keychange continues to thrive for generations to come.

By honouring your wishes, we’re committed to ensuring that your gift and legacy are remembered within our communities. 

How to leave a legacy to

Here’s the information you need to include in your will:

  • Charity name: Keychange
  • Address: Keychange, 5 St Georges Mews, 43 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JB
  • Registered charity number: 1061344  


We always recommend that you seek advice from a solicitor when making your will, or any changes to it. 

Older man laughing and looking at the camera, holding the hand of a carer just out of shot

Let us know your plans

Leaving a gift to a charity in your will is a very personal decision, and we’d love to chat this through with you. 

It’s also helpful to know your decision so we can keep in touch with you in the future.

If you’d like a confidential chat, please call us on 020 7633 0533.

I plan to leave a gift to Keychange in my will

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